* January 2025:Livelihoods Training at Nizamuddin shelter by Shannon and Valerie by BCF Shelter run by SPYM
* 21st December 2024 9:30 am to 7:30 pm : Moozikkulum Heritage and Literature festival at Moozikkulum
* 13th to 30th November 2024 Exhibition on Homelessness at Miranda House Delhi University
* 19th,21st November 2024 Computer center exam and review at Nizamuddin and sarai kale khan for 50 students
* 14th November 2024 Movie Screening of Maidaan for shelter children
* 07th November 2024 Onwards: Exhibition on Homelessness at Miranda House
* 14th October to 24th October 2024 :Unseen and Unheard: Voices of Homelessness travels to Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi
* 13th October 2024 : Heritage Walk: Asiya Qureshi
* 30th August 2024: 23 rd BCF Annual Lecture- Amarjeet Singh IIC Delhi || GBM/AGM Know More
* 01st-30th June 2024: Student internships & Documentation Within Shelters
* 20th May 2024: Activities,Walk for Childern in Shelters
* 26th April 2024: The Secret Life of Gharials
* 18th April 2024: Certificate Distribution for Computer Class Students at Shelters
* 15th April 2024: CSR Lecture at Heidelberg University
* 28th March 2024: GBM
* 11th March 2024: EID Night Walk training for environment & safety
* 07th March 2024: Women's Day Celebrations
* 06th February 2024: Managing A Million Mission
* 03rd Feburary 2024: Panel at Jaipur Literature Fest
* 19th to 21st January 2024:TOT for GRC Kolkata
* 06th February 2023: Childern's Day Program Nizamudin and Sarai Kale khan
* 14th November 2023: Childern's Day Program Nizamudin and Sarai Kale khan
* 21st October 2023: Heritage walk
* 12th August 2023 , 2023: Heritage Walk at Nizamuddin by Asiya(Part 1)
* 24th September 2023 , 2023: Heritage Walk at Nizamuddin by Asiya(Part 3)
* 17th September , 2023: Heritage Walk at Nizamuddin by Asiya
* 7th October 2023: Talk on women and Heritage walk ,Lady irwin college
* 23rd January 2023: Non-Profit sector report release Jaipur Literature Festival
* 29th January 2023: Non-Profit sector report release Hyderabad Literature Festival
* 07th February 2023: Dept of Development Communication & Extension hosted a discussion on the non-profit Sector report
* 11th February 2023: Report released at Gandhian Centre, Madurai by P.V. Rajgopal and Ekta Parishad. It was attended by participants of their workshops
* 20th February, 2023: NPO report released at Centre for Public Policy & Research at Kochi to 25 participants including eminent citizens, CPPR Trustees, and Researchers
* 27th February 2023: Street Medicine for Homeless retreat held at Uttarakhand.
* 04th March 2023: A heritage walk was held from 6 pm in Chandni Chowk for visiting doctors and a team of Street Medicine. Six of the trained Shelter resident trainees conducted the walk for a group of 12 persons
* 06th March 2023: NPO report released at Digital Empowerment Foundations event in Delhi
* 15th March 2023: BCF GBM at the Deakin University Delhi Office
* 4th May 2023: BCF GBM at the Deakin University Delhi Office
* 27th July 2023: BCF AGM at India International Centre
* 27th July 2023: 22nd BCF Annual Lecture by Sonam Wangchuk and BCF 25-Year Report Release at the India International Centre
* 10th December, 2022: Continuing the celebration of India @ 75, a literary event/ book discussion was held at Kerala Museum on the Book “Kochikaar”
– the living history of diverse communities in Kochi by Author Bony Thomas and KJ Sohan, INTACH and BCF. 70 Participants attended while 143 attended online.
A series of walks was conducted by students of SRISTI School of Art and Design as a follow-up
* October, 2022:A case in support of homeless people is in the Supreme Court since 2013. The hearing was held in October where Court asked all states
to furnish a status report on shelters, winter preparedness, etc. by 29th November.
BCF provides pro bono legal support on behalf of the Homeless.
* September, 2022:A group from NULM, Maharashtra State Level Monitoring Committee (SLMC) Mumbai visited to learn about work with Homeless shelters in New Delhi.
A heritage walk was conducted for them by heritage walkers trained by BCF
* August, 2022:BCF was part of the Khadi roundtable,its sustainability and way forward invited by CPPR
* 08th July, 2022: Annual Lecture/AGM/GBM
* 08th July, 2022: 22nd Annual BCF Lecture : Dr. Alka Mittal, CMD, ONGC on “ The Glass Ceiling : Women in the Work Force – Challenges & Opportunities
* June, 2022: Completion of Audit was done by the Auditors CA Ankit Dhanuka and Sandeep
* 19th May, 2022: Inaugural of Community Computer Centre at Nizamuddin Women’s Homeless Shelter
* 01st April, 2022 : Remembering INA Veterans -Captain Ali Abbas,Col Prem and Lakshmi Sahgal - BY Qurban Ali,Subhashini Ali,Satish Jacob(Moderator)
* 31st March, 2022: AGM/GBM -Deakin Office -Time :10:30 a.m ,Saket
* March, 2022: 2 Heritage walks by trained guides-Jaipur
* 14th to 19th Feburary, 2022: CSR course for PG students of Lady Irvin College
* Feburary, 2022: 2 Heritage walks by trained guides-Delhi
* 13th & 23rd January, 2022: WFH as per GOI Omicron guidelines
* 18th November, 2021: BCF 20TH Annual Lecture - BCF/Development Alternatives - A Transmedia Approach to Environment Advocacy-BY Sofia Ashraf Click to Download Watch on YouTube
* 27th August , 2021: Completion of delhi Walk guides training and certificates by Secretary women and child dept-Ms Rashmi Singh.
* 08th October, 2021: The Screening of our Documentry THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE -IIC Delhi Click to Download
* 15th July, 2021: AGM/GBM at 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, New Delhi.
* 17th March, 2021: AGM/GBM at 3:00 PM.
* 08th March, 2021: Hertiage Training Completion - Jaipur.
* 06th Feburary, 2021: BCF 19TH Annual Lecture -BCF/IIC -By Bhanwri Devi For Registration Click
* 05th Feburary, 2020: Talk - LIC Students : CSR, Iimpacts & The Non Profit Sector
* 06th March, 2020: Release of CR (kannada) report - Indian Social Institute, Bangalore – BCF/CRW/Praxis
* 28th March, 2020: BCF GBM – IIC – Private Dining Room – 6.30 pm onwards
* 12th December, 2019: Cultural evening /talk 4 to 6.30 pm –SAS Auditorium, Shahjeet Jeet Singh Marg – BCF & Rasaja Foundation.
* 03rd October, 2019: Status Of Corporate Responsibility in India,2019.
CRW (Corporate Watch) Visit Website>>
Status of Corporate Responsibility in India 2019 Read PDF..
Status of Corporate Responsibility in India 2018 Read PDF..
Status of Corporate Responsibility in India 2017 Read PDF..
Status of Corporate Responsibility in India 2016 Read PDF..
BCF/Praxis/CRW : Release of State of Indias Business & Corporate Responsibility report 2019.
IIC Annexe Basement Lecture Hall 2.Time : 3 pm to 6 pm
* 27th September, 2019: Book release “ Journey of a social entrepreneur” by T.K. Mathew 3 to 5 pm IIC annexe Basement Lecture room 2.
* 08th August, 2019: BCF 18th Annual Lecture By Aruna Roy Read PDF.. ..
* 08th August, 2019: AGM/GBM.
* 04th June, 2019: Homeless Womens Convention – NFIW/BCF/HWC – Raja Ram Mohun Roy Memorial Hall, 12, Vishnu Digambar Marg,
New Delhi 2 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Read PDF.. .
* 13th March, 2019: CSR panel –BCF & Deakin University.
* 04th Feburary, 2019: Womens Collective meeting – BCF / NFIW/SPYM.
* 06th & 07th January, 2019: Banyan Conference -Chennai.
* 04th October, 2018: Corporate Responsibility Report by BCF/Praxis/CRW Read PDF.. Read More..
* 04th July 2018: - Release of Corporate Responsibility Report
* 3rd July 2018: BCF 17th Annual lecture
* 3rd July 2018: AGM/GBM
* 09th March 2018: 5th Annual Student Debate. IIC annexe 3 pm onwards – basement lecture room.
* November 2017 : 20 hour CR module – Lady Irwin College PG batch
* 26th August, 2017: Release of report ‘State of Indias CSR & BRR 2017’ - IIC ANNEXE – GROUND FLOOR – 10 am to 4.30 pm
* 22nd August, 2017: Advisory meeting - Banyan -Calicut
* 14th August, 2017: 16th Annual Lecture by Sunita Narain (CSE) on “ State of India's Environment & Corporate Responsibility”
* 07th August, 2017: GBM: AGM at 5:00 pm
* 04th July, 2017: Session at ILI on Business & Human Rights
* 16th May, 2017: BCF GBM
* 10th March, 2017: Session at Law College, Ernakulam, Kerala on “Companies Act, CSR & Human Rights”
* 22nd February, 2017: Roundtable discussion by One World South Asia on “Social Justice Philanthropy”
* 14th February, 2017: Panel at IRBF by Oxfam on “The Civil Society perspective on Business”
* 31st January, 2017: BCF GBM at 3.30 pm
* 2nd November, 2016: BCF GBM
* 07th September, 2016: Report Release IIC-CRW Network Read Report
* 29th August, 2016: GBM/AGM
* 28th August, 2016:ICP Exam
* 08th August, 2016:15th Annual lecture –IIC Auditorium by Dr.Vandana Shiva
* 26th July, 2016: Talk by Prof Jagdish N.Sheth - SACAC Auditorium – 5.30 to 7 pm.
* 10th July, 2016: ICP Exam
* 02nd July, 2016: ICP Session
* 18th May, 2016: GBM ,New Delhi
* 7 th May, 2016:Social Responsibilities of Business & Community Perspectives- BCF/NFI/IIC-Annex
* 30th April, 2016: 3rd ICP Session
* 10th April, 2016: ICP Exam
* 5th April, 2016: CRW Network Meeting
* 4th April, 2016: Talk on Sustainable Develoment – Prof Jose
* 2nd April, 2016: ICP students – 2nd session
* 20th February, 2016: ICP students – introductory session
* 3rd February, 2016: GBM ,New Delhi
* 30 th December, 2015: Talk to PG students at BALM –Chennai
* 15 th December, 2015 : CRW event
* 25 th November 2015 : Panel Session – Responsible Practises - Common purpose
* 18th Nov, 2015, 2015 : Training - Business Responsibility Reporting – National Productivity Council
* 6 th November, 2015 : CSR Session - LIC
* 5 th November, 2015 : GBM - 3PM To 5 PM
* 6th,13th,20th,27th Oct, 2015 : CSR Course Talk - Lady Irwin College
* 1 st Oct, 2015 : Discussion and Release of Primer - 3rd Edition
* 2 nd Sep, 2015 : Session on 'Beyond Limits Panel' BML University
19th August 2015 - Commonwealth Businesswomen’s network (CBW) Launch - BCF and Deakin University South Asia Office
* 20th July, 2015 - AGM GBM || Annual Lecture : - By. Mr Rajendra Singh ( Waterman Of India) Click & Download PPT
Water Gandhi Last 5 Minutes Remastered Watch Video
* 29th January, 2015 : Governing Board Meeting
* 5th January, 2015 : The everyday lives of everyday people : P. Sainath , Partners : BCF,IIC,AA,SCF & YouthkiAwaaz
* 2 nd Dec, 2014 : Release of BRR Citizens Report Venue IIC Seminar Hall Time 5:30 pm
* November 28 th, 2014 : 13th BCF Annual Lecture By Prof. ANIL GUPTA ( IIM,Ahmedabad) 5 pm , Partner IIC
* November 10 th, 2014 : Lecture on Companies Act , Venue : Lady Irwin College
* November 3 th, 2014 : GBM - BCF Office
* November 3 th, 2014 : 4th Annual Debate - 3:00 pm To 5:00 pm Partner IIC & Deakin University
* August 12th, 2014 : Governing Board Meeting -Venue Helpage india,New Delhi
* August 14th, 2014 : Discussion on non profit section contribution to INDIA - Dr.Mira Shiva ans Mr. Mathew Cherian
* May 17th : Business & Community Foundation - Governing Board Meeting.
* February 3rd: BCF - Governing Board Meeting, New Delhi
* January 24th: BCF - IICA 3rd annual debate for Management students, at lecture room II (Annexe) IIC, 2 pm to 5 pm. Participant Institutions are TERI University, IIFT, Jaipuria, Asian Business School, EMPI, JMC, Kamla Nehru College & IMI.
* January 10th & 11th : "Corporate Social Responsibility" Two Day Management Development Programme (Chennai, India) and Certificate Course. Organisers- Centre for Social Initiative and Management (CSIM) and Business & Community Foundation (BCF). -
* November 29th : 12th BCF Annual Lecture at IIC, Delhi, 5 pm, Topic " Can today's Corporation Deliver tomorrow's Economy? " , Speaker - Mr Pavan Sukhdev
* October 22nd : BCF - Governing Board Meeting, New Delhi
* September 26th : Consultation on " Developing an inclusive CSR Index for India", by BCF and IIC at the India International Centre, lecture room 1 (Annexe), New Delhi from 9.00am to 5.00 pm
* August 12th : BCF-Sampradan, Public l Lecture at IIC Seminar Room 3, Delhi,5.30 pm , Speaker: Prof. Prabhu Guptara
* May 14th : BCF- GBM , New Delhi from 2 to 3 pm
* March 22nd : Open Management Development Programme - CSR & ELLA - Magarpatta City Institute of Management & Technology, Pune.
* March 21st : Seminar on Extractive Industries & ELLA - BCF, Venue - IIM Bangalore.
* March 13th : Open Discourse - Aurobindo Society & BCF, 5pm to 6pm by Ms. Ros Tennyson "Partnering for Development- What does it take ?"
* February 18th : - "Education & Prception Reform in the Context of Gender Violence" , by Justice J.S.Verma. Aurobindo Society, Adhchini, New Delhi, 4.30pm to 5.30pm.
* January 29th : BCF Governing Board Meeting.
* January : Discussion on CSR guidelines & reporting :- BCF - AIEMA, Chennai. -
* December 20th : Doing Computer Science that builds social capital with special focus on AUTISM by Proff Svetha Venkatesh - Deakin University, Business & Community Foundation (BCF) & National Trust, 3pm to 5pm. Venue: IIC Annex basement.
*December 6th : FDP - Delhi University.
* October 31st : INAUGURAL OF MAGARPATTA - BCF CSR CENTRE, PUNE, 4pm to 5.30pm.
* October 31st : BCF Board Meeting Pune at 11 am. to 1 pm.
* October 9th : BCF - IIC 2nd annual CSR debate for Management students, at multipurpose hall IIC, 5pm to 6.30pm.
* September 29th : "Dialogue with Industry on Rural Distress" Gandhi Peace Foundation, 10am to 12noon.
* September 6th : NDTV CSR & Inclusion Award Jury.
* August 3rd : Annual CSR Lecture on the topic "Gross National Happiness Index of Bhutan" by H.E. Lyonpo Yeshey Zimba, Minister of Works & Human Settlement, 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Venue: IIC, Main Auditorium, New Delhi. A.Lecture
* August 3rd : Launch- "Distance Learning Programme on CSR".
* July 23rd : "Dialogue with Industry on Rural Distress" Gandhi Peace Foundation, 10.00 am to 12.00 Noon.
* May 21st, 22nd & 23rd : Corporate Social Responsibility training for Oil India Limited.
* April 11th : CSR Evaluation, Trend, Analysis - FDP / DBS - Amita Joseph.
* March 26th & 27th : IIFT-BCF Corporate Social Responsibility training for Public Sector Undertakings.
* March 14th : DBS CSR CENTRE INAUGURAL (Supported by BCF, New Delhi).
* February 3rd : BCF Governing Board Meeting
* January 19th & 20th : IIFT-BCF Corporate Social Responsibility training for Public Sector Undertakings.
* January 16th : BCF-IBLF event- "The role of business and business leaders in creating a sustainable world" by Mr.Mark Foster, Chairman, The IBLF, Discussion chaired by Ms. Madhu Kanoria, Member of the Governing Board, BCF.
* January 6th : Talk - St. Stephens College "CSR, Poverty & Inequality" byAmita Joseph.
* November 18th & 19th : Abilities Mela, Cochin
* November 3rd : BCF Governing Board Meeting
* October 10th & 11th : IIFT-BCF Corporate Social Responsibility training for Public Sector Undertakings.
* September 17th & 18th : Abilities Mela, Hyderabad.
• August : NDTV-CSR, Inclusion and Diversity Award Assessment.
• July 29 : BCF Governing Board Meeting & Annual General Meeting and Annual Lecture by Mr. Satish Magar of Magarpatta City Pune, 5.30pm to 08.00pm. Venue: IIC, Main Auditorium, New Delhi.
• June 28 & 29 : "Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility" Two Day Management Development Programme (Chennai, India) and Certificate Course. Organisers- Centre for Social Initiative and Management (CSIM) and Business & Community Foundation (BCF).
• April 19 & 20 : "Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility" Two Day Management Development Programme. Organisers: BCF, IIFT. Venue: IIFT, New Delhi.
• April 1 : A talk on “Business Responsibility and Public Good”, by Prof. Andrew Crane, York University, Toronto, Mr. Manoj K. Arora, Former Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, GOI. Timing: 6.00 pm - 8.30 pm. Venue: IIC, New Delhi.
• February 17 : CSR Training for Cordaid Partners by Think Strategic and Business & Community Foundation (BCF) at Bangalore.
• February 7 : Session on "CSR & Inclusion" at CPDHE, Refresher Course in Commerce - Delhi University teachers by Amita.
• February 5 : Abilities Mela in Leh organised by BCF, CHARKHA & PAGIR.
• February 3 : BCF Governing Board meeting from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Venue: KCIL, 11th Floor, Indra Prakash Building, 21, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi – 110001.
• January 20 & 21 : Social Audit Training organised by BCF and CSIM, New Delhi.
• January 6-8 : BCF Organises a Capacity Building workshop for Larsen & Toubro’s Corporate Social Initiative at Lonavala, Pune.
• December 8 : Ms. Amita Joseph spoke on "CSR and Social Audit" at a seminar on Social Audit. Organised by: Internal Audit Standards Board. Hosted by: Northern India Regional Council of ICAI. Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
• December 3 : Ms. Amita Joseph spoke on "Inclusion and Diversity" at the Annual Conference 2010 "Sambhavana" on World Disabled Day celebrations. Venue: Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi.
• November 29 : Roundtable Discussion and Debate on "Is Corporate Social Responsibility a PR exercise or does it work?" The Participating 9 Business Schools were IIFT, BIMTECH, NIILM, EMPI, DBS, IILM(BS), IIM, IBS & EMI. Organisers- BCF & IIC, Deakin University Australia. Venue- IIC (Annexe), New Delhi. Report By Navin Singh
• November 19 & 20 : Abilities Mela in Kochi, Kerala; organised by BCF & Peoples Council for Social Justice (PCSJ) and Shilpa Society with participation from 13 Special Schools.
• November 10 : BBG/BCF Panel Discussion on the topic “Discussion on the Privacy Laws” Panel members: Mr. Mark Tully and Ms. Kamini Jaiswal, Advocate. Venue- IIC (Annexe), New Delhi. A Report by Navin Singh
• November 9 : BCF participated in the Panel discussion on "The role of CSR in Business" Venue- Kamala Nehru College, New Delhi.
• October 29 : BCF Governing Board Meeting (10:30 a.m. to 12:30p.m).
• October 22 : BCF was a guest faculty to speak on "Due diligence on the corporate" Venue- MDI, Gurgaon.
• September 28 : Open Discourse on "Urban Poverty and Homelessness" Speakers: Mr. Indu Prakash Singh & Ms. Shivani Chaudhry. Organisers: BCF, IIC. Venue: IIC, New Delhi. A Report
• August 31 : Round Table discussion on "The Right to Food and the Role of Poverty Commissioners"; Speakers: Dr. N C Saxena & Mr. Harsh Mander. Organisers: BCF, IIC. Venue: IIC (Annexe), New Delhi. A Report
• August 24 : Jury Meeting for NDTV-CSR awards, Inclusion & Diversity Award.
• August 3 : IBLF Event.
• July - August : Assessment for NDTV-CSR Award by BCF and Inclusion & diversity Award (Partner: Enable India) and BCF.
• July 30 : 9th Annual CSR Lecture by Mr Ernst Ligteringen, Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and BCF Governing Board Meeting & Annual General Meeting. Venue: IIC, New Delhi. A Report By Navin Singh
• July 1 : Open Discourse Series on "Agrarian Crisis and Farmer Suicides", A talk by P. Sainath; Chair: Gopal Subramanium (SG). Venue: IIC, New Delhi. A Report on Agrarian Crises by Navin Singh
• June 12 & 13 : Abilities Mela in Hyderabad organised by BCF & LSN Foundation.
• June 4 : CSR Workshop at Dhan Foundation, Madurai.
• April 22 & 23 : The third CSR-Management Development Programme was inaugurated by Dr Arun Maira, Member Planning Commission. Participants were senior & middle level managers from companies like L&T, Jubilant Organosys, Lemontree Hotels, KPMG, Central Warehousing Corporation, IRCTC, IREDA, Galaxy Surfactants, Fidelity Business Services, SBI, Neucom Consulting etc. Organisers: BCF, IIFT. Venue: IIFT, New Delhi.
• April 9 & 10 : “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategy for Inclusive Development” International CSR Conference. Organisers: BIMTECH, Economic Times & BCF (CSR Knowledge Partner).
• March 3 : CSR Policy Development Workshop organised for BCF & IBLF member companies. Organisers: BCF, IBLF. Venue: Helpage India, New Delhi.
• February 8 : Roundtable panel discussion on “Voluntary Guidelines on CSR”. The distinguished panelists included Mr S.Sen from CII, Dr Aqueel Khan from Association for Stimulating Know How (ASK), Mr Viraf Mehta from Partners in Change (PIC), Mr Asheesh Shah from Delhi Business School (DBS), Ms Amita Joseph from BCF. Chairperson: Prof. Shri Ram Khanna from Voluntary Organisation in the Interest of Consumer Education (VOICE). The discussion was attended by over 60 participants from B-Schools, industry, civil society organisations. Organisers: BCF, IIC. Venue: IIC, New Delhi. A Report
• January 28 : Governing Board Meeting at New Delhi.
• November 30 : CSR Roundtable on 'Mainstreaming CSR in Management Education'. The distinguished panelists included Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director-BIMTECH, Mr K.T Chacko, Director-IIFT, Prof. A. Kapoor, Dean- Continuing Education & Consultancy-MDI; Chairperson: Prof. Vasanthi Srinivasan, Chairperson, Centre for Corporate Governance & Citizenship & Assoc Prof (OB & HRM) IIMB.
The CSR Primer developed by BCF was released on this occasion. The roundtable was attended by over 100 participants from B-Schools, industry, civil society organisations etc. Venue– IIC, New Delhi.
• November 11 & 12 : Abilities Mela in Faridabad organised by BCF and Brotherhood.
• CSR Expert Lecture Series at BIMTECH
October 29 : Human Rights & Business.
October 22 : CSR Evolution in India & Global Scene.
October 8 : Business & Environment - The Sustainability Challenge.
October 1 : CSR Introduction, Meaning, Evolution & Scope.
• October 21 : BCF Board Meeting: 2 pm - 4.30 pm
Venue- Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Limited, Indra Prakash Building, 21 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, 110001.
• October 26 : Assessment for the NDTV-CSR Award along with Enable India for the Inclusion and Diversity Award. The award ceremony was held in Mumbai on October 26, 2009. The CSR Award was given to Infosys Technologies Ltd; the Inclusion & Diversity Award went to Lasersoft.
• September 25 & 26 : Abilities Mela in Kodagu, Karnataka organised by BCF & SWASTHA-Centre for Special Education & Rehabilitation.
• September 19 : CSR Open Discourse Series - Round Table on "The Relevance of Sustainability Reporting" by Dr Aditi Haldar: Corporate Sustainability Management Group: CII Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development; Prof Ritika Gugnani, Jaipuria Institute of Management; Koshish Club Members IIFT.
Time: 6 pm - 8.30 pm. Organisers: BCF, IIC. Venue: IIC, New Delhi.
• September 1 - 15 : Abilities Mela in Leh, Jammu & Kashmir organised by BCF, Charkha & People's Action Group for Inclusion & Rights as a part of the 15 days tourism festival.
• August 4 : Abilities Mela in Kochi, Kerala organised by BCF, People's Council for Social Justice (PCSJ) & Shilpa Society for the Mentally Handicapped.
• August 1 : BCF Annual Lecture by Ms. Naina Lal Kidwai: Group General Manager & Country Head HSBC.
• July 3 : CSR Open Discourse Series - Round Table on “CSR, Governance and Development” by Prof Ananya Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Political Science, York University, Toronto.
• May 1 & 2 : Abilities Mela in Hyderabad organised by BCF & LSN Foundation.
• April 29 : Capacity building workshop on "Strenghtening partnerships for sustainable inclusive development" by Ms. Ros Tennyson, IBLF.
• April 16 & 17 : A two-day CSR-MDP jointly organised by BCF and IIFT. Venue: IIFT, New Delhi.
• March 13 : Roundtable workshop on "Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility" organized by BCF in partnership with Consumer Voice and National Consumer Helpline. Venue- IIC, New Delhi.