Dr. Archna Kumar

Dr. Archna Kumar is an Associate professor in the Department of Development Communication & Extension at Lady Irwin College University of Delhi and has been involved in teaching and guiding masters and doctoral researches in the department for nearly 30 years. She teaches papers in Communication for Social Change, Gender, Participatory Development, Behaviour Change Theories, Research Methods and Programme Evaluation. She has several publications in national and international journals; book chapters and has edited a book. In the recent past she has been involved in projects related to the use of innovative participatory techniques for M&E of ICTs and Community Radio initiatives. Currently she is working on a project on the development of an innovative communication kit for frontline workers on parenting tips for 3-6 yr old children.
She has been a consultant with UNICEF and a master trainer for The Most Significant Change technique for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Behaviour Change Communication programme;
She has served as Technical Advisor (External) by UNICEF for several national level Evaluations; Project Coordinator for Community Radio and Hill Women’s Participation in Health Communication’ Grant received by International Federation of Home Economics; Delhi State Evaluation of ASHAs under the NRHM scheme. project of the NHSRC, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI; North Zone coordinator for project Capacity Building of Stakeholders about Food and Drug Safety, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GOI. She has recently served as a consultant providing inputs in the qualitative evaluation of impact of flood on lives of people in Kerala.
She has been invited to serve on various academic and professional bodies to include Doctoral Advisory Committee School of Journalism and Media IGNOU & Dept of Community Resource Management & Extension Jammu University. She serves on the boards of GRAVIS a mother NGO in Jodhpur Rajasthan; Mobile Crèches Delhi and is advisor to Community Radio Henvalvani, Uttrakahnd. She is a member of the International Communication association; International Association of Media and Communication Research; Member International Society for Third Sector Research; Member International Federation of Home Economics amongst other bodies.
Administratively she has held various positions was the organizing secretary of the Biennial conference organized at Lady Irwin College; Convener of the Golden Jubilee Conclave Of the Department of Development Communication & Extension; NAAC core committee member as well as other positions in the college. She is the coordinator of the study Abroad programme with Michigan State University and has been overseeing the programme in it various stages for the last 10 years. Currently she holds the chair of the Department of Development Communication & Extension.