The Business & Community Foundation (BCF) is a non-profit organisation registered on 17 July 1998 under the Societies Registration Act 1860.BCF had its early genesis with IBLF-International Business Leaders Forum - which was initiated by the Prince Of Wales. It was established in New Delhi by eminent persons and has been one of the pioneers in advocating responsible practices, accountability and work with communities in India. The current activities of the organisation include Education for Business Schools, public discourses on developmental priorities and work on Disability, CSR Training / Workshops, Fellowship studies, assessment etc. BCF also works to identify core development priorities that concern the most vulnerable and to address them where possible within its means and scope.
Vision & Mission
To promote the awareness and practice of Responsible Citizenship where people have access and control over resources to make informed choices and decisions for a more just society. As a not for profit entity, BCF responds to the developmental paradigm in the country and works with a large number of organizations & responds to the needs of the most marginalized through work on Education, Disability, Training, Support to vulnerable communities & organizations to work on health, education, livelihoods, marketing linkages, access to information through public discourses and lectures ,work with future managers, students, homeless etc.
To mobilise the core competence and resource of all stakeholders, civil society, academic, multi Lateral, bilateral institutions , government and business to facilitate their working in partnerships with development projects that benefit marginalised and disadvantaged communities.
The Three-Fold Action Guide Of Our Work
BCF advocates partnerships in sustainable development through research, implementation, and communication
Building Partnerships
Facilitating cross-sector, cross-cultural, and multi-stakeholder partnership projects
Capacity Building
Of key stakeholder representatives through consultations, conferences, seminars, workshops, and training programs in CSR, education, health, and social development
BCF advocates partnerships in sustainable development through research, implementation, and communication
Building Partnerships
Facilitating cross-sector, cross-cultural, and multi-stakeholder partnership projects
Capacity Building
Of key stakeholder representatives through consultations, conferences, seminars, workshops, and training programs in CSR, education, health, and social development